1. Why is this Information being Provided?

The protection of your personal data is very important to us. The transparency of data processing is a key principle of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable data protection laws. Your data will be processed by us for the establishment and execution of your employment contract in compliance with the provisions of the GDPR and other data protection regulations. This processing includes in particular the collection, storage, use, modification and deletion of data.

  1. Who is Responsible for processing your data?

Responsible (controller) is the DPDHL Group Company where you are employed.

  1. Who is the Pointed Data Protection Representative?

A Data Protection Representative has been appointed by the DPDHL Group Company where you are employed. Contact details are available locally.

  1. What data do we PROCESS from you?

In connection with the handling of your employment relationship, the following personal data are processed in particular:

  • Master data (such as name, date of birth, nationality, place of birth, country of birth, marital status, dependent children with name and date of birth, personnel number(s), tax identification number, pension insurance number, social security number)

  • Contact data such as private address, e-mail address and where applicable telephone number

  • Contact data of your next of kin or related persons to inform in case of emergency

  • Residence permit and work permit

  • Prior employment periods within the Group or external

  • Contract data

  • Data of inactive phases of the employment relationship

  • Bank account information

  • Application documents with photograph, CV and certificates

  • Areas of expertise, qualification, skills, education and advanced training

  • Driving permits

  • Data related to carrying out your occupation, like function and tasks, time and attendance, holiday entitlements, incapacity to work, development plans, performance assessment, goal achievement, references

  • Salary and pay data

  • Tax data

  • Social data, such as status as severely disabled

  • Health data, such as pregnancy and notifiable diseases

  • Operational contact data, access data for IT systems, profile data, partly you can update yourself, such as in the Deutsche Post DHL Group telephone book and in myNet

  • Operational communication via telephone, e-mail, Skype for Business, Yammer, myNet comments etc.

  • External communication in social networks provided by the employer, such as the Extranet

  • Operational data, such as shift scheduling data

  • Video images, use of magnetic cards and employee IDs

  • Photograph on employee ID

  • Photographs for internal communication and where applicable external communication

  • Previous convictions, as far as relevant for the occupation (e.g. such as vehicle drivers)

  1. How Will Your data be Used?

Your data is used for the establishment, performance and termination of your employment relationship with your respective Group Company at Deutsche Post DHL Group. The following list provides you with the purposes of processing we pursue.

  • Hiring as an employee

  • Personnel administration and management, including transfer of data within the Group (e.g. use of HR service providers)

  • Personnel support, including via telephone or online

  • Calculation of working hours

  • Salary calculation, payment and (electronic) sending of earnings statement

  • Determination of variable salary components, including goal achievement and performance assessment

  • Taxation of the work income

  • Notification and withholding of social security contributions (unemployment, pension, health and nursing insurance)

  • Settlement of holiday entitlements

  • Release from work obligations, inactivity of the employment relationship

  • Ensuring of compliance with legal, contractual and company regulations/policies (Compliance)

  • Employee screening based upon Anti-Terror laws of the EU and foreign trade law in Germany, as far as introduced in your Group Company

  • Operational and HR reporting* (increase in efficiency)

  • Labor organization* (increase in efficiency)

  • Provision of working materials such as communications equipment, work clothes, office equipment and vehicles*

  • Internal company communication, including invitations to surveys such as the employee opinion survey* (increase in employee satisfaction and evaluation of implemented measures)

  • External communication with customers and providers

  • Settlement of operation processes (with and without usage of IT applications)

  • Security of our IT infrastructure* (protection of company resources)

  • Protection of property belonging to the employer, customers, employees or business partners etc.* (protection of property)

  • Protection of the physical integrity of employees, customers, business partners, visitors etc.* (protection of physical integrity)

  • Security of our facility and technical infrastructure (such as through access controls) * (protection of company resources)

  • Detection of criminal offences * (protection of resources of the company, employees and customers)

  • Production and management of employee IDs * (increase in efficiency)

  • Visitor management * (protection of company resources)

  • Occupational and health protections during operations* (protection of physical)

  • Workplace accidents* (protection of physical)

  • Issuance of informational and certification statements

  • Travel booking, travel security and travel expense management

  • Development, advanced training, also with external providers

  • Awards and operational suggestion scheme* (increase in employee satisfaction)

  • Participation and Diversity

  • Maternity leave

  • Paternal leave

  • Home Care leave

  • Internal recruiting processes

  • Administration of company vehicles, including processing of traffic ticket fees* (protection of company resources)

  • Administration of corporate credit and fuel cards* (protection of company resources)

  • Ensuring of operational co-determination

  • Ensuring of severe disability rights

  • Company social benefits* (increase in employee satisfaction)

  • Centralization and/or coordination of HR processes, e.g. mandatory trainings as well as (statistical) analyses*

  • Company pension

  • Occupational medical care

  • Termination of the employment relationship

  1. How do we collect your data?

In order to employ you and to fulfil the employment relationship with you, we require, in addition to your master and contact data, all personal data which we are legally obliged to process and which we may have to pass on to other parties. You provide us with this data and inform us of any changes to this data. The same applies to specific personal data such as the status of severe disability or equivalent. In addition, your work with us also generates data of various kinds, e.g. performance evaluation. In individual cases, we may also receive data about our employees, e.g. from tax authorities, health insurance companies, courts or other supervisory authorities.

  1. What is the legal basis for processing your data?

The processing serves primarily to establish, implement and terminate the contract on which your employment relationship is based, Article 6 (1) b GDPR. Within the scope of this contract, we have to fulfil, among other things, obligations under labor, social security and tax law which require the processing of data, Article 6 (1) c GDPR. The applicable data protection legislation allows us to process data in certain individual cases on the basis of legitimate interests, Article 6 (1) f GDPR. Processing operations marked with "*" are some use cases and are carried out for the purpose specified therein. The legitimate interests are in particular: improving the quality of service and the cooperation, centralization and coordination of processes as well as protection of goods and rights. You have the right to object to this on grounds relating to your particular situation. Processing for this purpose will be stopped unless compelling legitimate grounds which override your interests and right for processing can be demonstrate. If we base further processing on legitimate interests, we will inform you. An example of this is marketing activities for special employee offers. In some cases we are also entitled to process your data if you give us your explicit consent to do so, Article 6 (1) a GDPR. In such cases, we will ask you separately for your consent and inform you of your right to withdraw your consent. The legal basis for the processing of personal data can be found in Article 6 paragraph 1 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and, where applicable, in other available legal regulations.

  1. Who has access to your data?

In any case, your data will only be made available to authorized employees. Group-wide processes, e.g. within the scope of outsourced IT and personnel administration and management, or your employment contract may provide that, in addition to the authorized employees of your Group company, employees in other Group companies also have authorized access to your data. To the extent permitted or required by law, we may transfer data to non-group parties such as social security institutions, government agencies, courts, banks, tax authorities, creditors, insolvency administrators and providers outside the Deutsche Post DHL Group. If another Group company or an external company acts as provider, this is ensured by a contractual agreement. If personal data is transferred to Group companies in countries outside the European Economic Area, it will be handled in accordance with the provisions of the Deutsche Post DHL Privacy Policy. This ensures that our Group companies around the world process personal data in accordance with standards that meet the adequate data protection level in accordance with GDPR. Our Deutsche Post DHL Privacy Policy has been approved by the European Supervisory Authorities as a set of Binding Corporate Rules (BCR). A summary is available on myNet under "Data Protection" or from your responsible HR department.

  1. How long will your data be stored for?

We store your data for as long as is necessary to fulfil the intended purpose of the processing, or for as long as we are legally obliged to do so.

  1. What is the process for making a decision about your application?

Applications are generally assessed by employees of the HR department that is responsible for the job advertisement. If in exceptional cases an automated decision is taken within a permissible framework or certain information about you is automatically processed and assessed and a prediction is made about you (for the purposes of building a profile), the Group Company to which you apply will inform you about your rights to be heard and/or to object.


According to the applicable legal regulations you have the right to

•Request access regarding your data that we have stored,

•Request rectification of in accurate data that we have stored about you,

•Request erasure of data about you that we are no longer allowed to store,

•Be heard in case of automated decision making and to object to it,

•Object to processing of your personal data based on legitimate interests,

•Withdraw your consent given,

•Receive a copy of your stored data (potentially in electronic form).

  1. How do you exercise your rights?

To assert your rights, please contact your responsible personnel department. In case of correction or deletion, we will also inform the recipient of your data about the action.

The responsible data protection representative is also available to answer your questions.

If you conclude that your rights are not being adequately respected, you can also lodge a complaint with the competent data protection supervisory authority, if available.

  1. Changes to this information

This information is current as of October 2020, please note that we reserve the right to change this information if necessary.